Archive CD Books Canada NEWSLETTER V7#9 - 17 January, 2011












So now we are in - what I think of as - the business end of our winter.  

The novelty of ice and snow has passed, pulling on coats and gloves just to leave the  house is beginning to get “old” and we are beginning to day-dream about those long, warm, sunlit days and those magical summer evenings outdoors.  On a more down-to-Earth level however we have more time to spend at out desks and computers as we search for those vital clues which allow our family trees to grow and blossom.

Its genealogy season!


Remember this Newsletter is published for you so if you think we're missing something important drop me a line to

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- Two new Canadian topic releases.

- 11 new Australian topic releases.

as well as, the news, gossip and announcements.


To find a book on CD on our web site take a note of the catalogue number - or use the  copy  function - go to the web site, click on the  Search Page  link and enter, or  paste,  the number into the  Product Number  box. Hit  Search  and then  More  and you will be in a position to reread the description or to place your order.

Alternatively you can browse through the catalogue using the drop down headings lists. We have tried to multi-list books where they correspond to more than one category but consider the possibility that the subject you are looking for may be under a related heading.

There is frequently more information about the books available on the web site than that which is included in the following descriptions. All prices in $Cdn.



*  Ontario County; A Short Sketch of its Settlement, Physical Features and Resources - 1907

CA0365:  $18.00

The cover title continues, "With Brief Historical Notes as to the early settlement of its Towns. Villages and Townships and their progress.  By J. E. Farewell, County Clerk." But the Title Page names the book as: "County of Ontario, Short Notes as to the Early Settlement and Progress of the County and brief References to the Pioneers and Some Ontario County Men who have Taken a Prominent Part in Provincial and Dominion Affairs.  By J. E. Farewell, LL.B., K. C., County Clerk and Solicitor."  To me the Title Page is more descriptive of the book's content but I suspect it depends on your point of view.  Certainly, the book provides plenty of information suitable to satisfy both titles.  The book contains 88 pages plus 9 plates.

There is also the question of location.  Ontario County ceased to exist as the result of a municipal reorganization in the early 1970's, the various areas that it used to contain being ceded mainly to the Durham (Co.) Region but with some northern parts, e.g., the Townships of Mara and Rama going to Simcoe County and the area of Simcoe Lake areas which joined with York County.  While it existed Ontario County was an approximately rectangular area spanning between Lake Ontario and the southern shore of Lake Simcoe at the East-most part of the "Home District" of (now) Toronto in the County of York.  It is probably easiest to locate the area by listing the (currently existing) Townships, Towns and Villages which appear as chapter headings in the book:







While J. E. Farewell is the author of record, the Preface gives credit to numerous others who prepared and submitted historical and genealogical input for their individual area of interest.  The "Short Sketch" format adopted by Farewell allows a compaction of these facts into an extraordinarily small number of pages giving rise to what can only be called a concentrated history book.  Following a Preface there is a section which traces the social development of the area following Its initial visit by Champlain in the early 1600's also reviewing the geological features.  Then follows individual chapters reviewing each of the major centres of settlement, making note of early settlers, individuals responsible for social and economic progress and others of note in the social development and growth of the town and / or County.  While the list given above identifies the major areas, where appropriate, other closely related settlements - Port Oshawa, within the Town of Oshawa for instance - are also given space so their history can be similarly reported.

Ontario County, by the fortune of its geographic location has been economically important in the development of  the whole Province of Ontario from the earliest times but Its abolition in 1971 makes it harder to identify and study it as a single source.  The early histories of Simcoe and Durham can not include the beginnings of these important townships, cities, towns and villages simply because their merging into the boundary of the County did not occur until well after the histories were written.  This is then an important book to all those trying to trace roots in this highly important and productive area.  

The compact format of the book leaves no space for Tables of Content, much less for an Index of any type† so the full search-ability of this digital edition is a boon to laying open the valuable information which - up to now - has laid hidden in this wonderful book.  We have also enhanced the speed of your searches by enabling our FastFind technology.

  †We have generated a Table of contents for this digital edition and it can be found in our Introduction.

We have placed a Sampler of the book on our Downloads page together with a list of names extracted from the OCRed text of the book using an experimental process.

*  The History of the Twentieth Canadian Battalion (Central Ontario Regiment) C.E.F.  in the Great War, 1914 - 1918. 

CA0369:  $30.00

This book is the result of work by a committee formed for the purpose of writing a commemorative history of the Battalion and led by Maj. D. J. Corrigall, D.S.O., M.C.  It was published in 1935.  The history takes 323 pages, including the first three appendices.  Appendix IV is a Nominal Roll of the Battalion and consists of a further 268 pages for a total of 591.

The Battalion went to Europe in 1915 as a part of the Second Canadian Contingent after being raised in Central Ontario starting just after the declaration of war in 1914.  The originating core was drawn from 12 existing military units in the region being: The 12th York Rangers; The 20th Halton Rifles; The 23rd Northern Pioneers; The 31st Grey Regiment; The 34th Ontario Regiment; The 35th Simcoe Foresters; The 36th Peel Regiment; The 37th Dufferin Rifles; The 39th Haldimand Rifles; The 44th Lincoln & Welland Regiment; The 77th Wentworth Regiment, and The 97th Algonquin Rifles.

The main narrative of the book provides a chronological account of the overseas operations of the Battalion when it was called into active service in the European theatre.  This narrative is well written and amply illustrated with interesting anecdotes, maps and portraits.   Much of the basis for the narrative was taken from  archived official documents but the salient facts have been cross checked with, and confirmed by, many personal recollections and records.

When the Battalion was returned to Canada at the end of the war, and was facing demob., it became clear that the Battalion name would soon cease to exist along with all of its citations and battle honours so those interested in maintaining the traditions requested permission to become part of the Active Militia as the West Toronto Regiment, and in 1920 the permission was given.  In 1925 the Battalion was merged with the 2nd Battalion, the York Rangers, to become The Queen’s Rangers.  This name carried a long and creditable history reaching back to well before the war of American independence and also carried - with Royal ascent - the additional appellation, “The First American Regiment.”

Following the main narrative come four appendices, the first three of which record the Battalions honours and awards while the fourth runs about half the length of the entire volume and provides the Nominal Roll of the 20th Battalion in the period from 1914 to 1919.

Well illustrated with 39 plates and maps, this is an excellent account of the 20th Battalion’s part in the Great War, including a briefer account of the preceding, and post demob., history, well supported with factual appendices including a very long Nominal Roll.  The whole text of the book is fully computer searchable and the search speed is enhanced by our FastFind enabling. 

We have placed a Sampler of the book on our Downloads page together with a list of names extracted from the OCRed text of the book’s Nominal Roll.



Yes, the History of Ontario IS the small book which has caused so much trouble and delay in our publishing schedule so we are hoping we can now get back to some less troublesome reproductions.

Completing both of this months books so close to the release of this newsletter has left us little time to select our next projects but I have been looking at a collection of papers from an early “Historical Society” which look as if they may make a great set of Gleanings.  We need some time to finalize our selections.



In this section we provide - often heavily abbreviated - descriptions of the newly released books on CD we have received from our International Archive CD Books partners.

We may not describe ALL of the new releases from our partners in this newsletter, particularly if they appear to be of very limited interest. 

  Please consult with the CDs listings in our on-line catalogue for ALL the unabbreviated, original, descriptions.


*  Bendigo Compendium 1

AU7502:  $81.40

With gold first discovered in 1851 by the wives of two farmhands in the Bendigo Creek, word soon spread and so did the population. By the time of the 1861 census, Bendigo had a population of over 13,000, and at the time of the 1901 census, Greater Bendigo's population was over 46,000.

The rapid growth of Bendigo - which is now the third largest city in Victoria - has seldom been rivalled in all history in any country. Originally known as Sandhurst, the city grew quickly out of the Victorian goldrush and became established as a major provincial hub and minor financial centre. With the growth came elements of stability and permanency. It was not until 1891 that the city's name was changed to Bendigo, in honour of the bare knuckled boxer, William "Abednego"; Thompson, whose name had been lent to the creek where gold was first discovered

This Compendium contains 10 books and 1 large map all relating specifically to Bendigo and the surrounding districts on a two CD set. See website for a list all 10 included titles.

*  Western Australian Tourist Guide and Accommodation Directory c1929

AU8006:  $19.20

The 'Western Australian Tourist Guide and Accommodation Directory' was published for distribution throughout Australia and overseas. It was the most comprehensive and informative guide of its type.

Of it's 229 pages, 86 contain historic  photographs. The Accommodation Directory lists towns alphabetically for easy reference, The information is similar to a gazetteer - size of town, other locations nearby, whether it has rivers or lakes running through it, how many miles from Perth, fares et., and a list of Hotels.

*  Travels in Western Australia

AU8008:  $22.50

May Vivienne - Author, opera singer, widow, travel writer - embarked upon an epic journey of discovery throughout Western Australia in 1899-1900. Journeying alone, May recorded the life and times of the early Western Australian goldfields - the colour, the excitement and the men!

'Travels in Western Australia' (362 pages) published in 1901, was written at a time when the colony was astonishing the world with its riches. This classic work continues to fascinate readers of life on the Western Australian goldfields over a century ago.

*  Western Australia 1842

AU8011:  $16.00

Compiled in 1842 (203 pages) for the use of emigrants, this book discusses the geography of Western Australia, together with bays, harbours, rivers and estuaries. Aspects of the soil and climate, and productions are also mentioned. The last two chapters cover aborigines, and the government and public institutions. Details on the Western Australian Company and its settlement at Australind are also included. The map that is included shows the whole of the colony of Western Australia.

*  Western Australia: Its History and Progress

AU8012:  $24.10

Albert Frederick Calvert, noted author, traveler and mining engineer, was born in Middlesex, England, and visited Western Australia a number of times. He was fascinated with the region, and wrote numerous books on Western Australia and particularly the goldfields there.  Written in 1894, this was an up-to-date handbook on Western Australia (466 pages), and covers topics such as its discovery, settlement, exploration, geography, mineral resources and forests. There are also chapters on pearling and native fish; harbours, shipping and commerce; manufacturers; railways; postal, telegraph and banks; political institutions, population and health; finance; recreation, military defence, immigration, wages and more.

There are numerous photographs and sketches throughout, and the appendix includes newspaper articles from various newspapers of the day.

*  Western Australia Blue Book 1871-1877

AU8102-1871:  $24.10

Blue Books were compilations of information on public servants gathered from details submitted to the Colonial Secretary's Office. Sometimes called 'Public Service Lists' or 'Civil Service Lists', these include details of people employed in the Western Australian Public Service for the year of publication. After listings of various appointed and elected Government officers and members and various statistics, these volumes record appointment by department.

This CD contains each year of the Western Australia Blue Book from 1871 to 1877. Each year is approximately 80 pages in length (total page count 626 pages) and lists many people in public service employment for that year. The information generally given for each entry is: Office, Name, Date of Appointment, By Whom Appointed and under What Instrument, Annual Salary and Date of First Appointment.

   Wise Western Australia Post Office Directories:

The Wise's directories are one of Australia's best known and comprehensive directories. Published annually, this edition for 1935-36 by Henry Wise, contains all the information expected of a Wise's directory:

Towns Section: this contains separate streets directories of Perth and Suburbs, Fremantle and Suburbs, Kalgoorlie and Suburbs, and Boulder, with alphabetical directories of every other town, township and postal district in Western Australia. For the larger regions they list the householders street-by-street, house-by-house.

Alphabetical Section: this section contains the names, occupations and postal addresses covering the entire State.

Trades Section: this lists the businesses and firms in Western Australia, arranged alphabetically by their trade or profession - sometimes called an 'early yellow pages'.

*  Western Australia Post Office Directory 1935-36 (Wise)

AU8110-1935:  $28.20

(888 pages)

*  Western Australia Post Office Directory 1941-42 (Wise)

AU8110-1941:  $28.20

(924 pages)

*  Rough Notes of a Traveller 1890

AU9002:  $22.50

Author Alexander Williamson Dobbie lived life to the full. Born in Scotland in 1843, he emigrated to Australia with his family when he was 8, and grew up in Adelaide.  Always ambitious, he started his own business by the age of 19 and developed a successful retail shop. With more interests than just retail, he was also a brassfounder, merchant, inventor, photographer, pianist, optician, astronomer, author and gardener. Travel was also a passion, and Rough Notes of a Traveller is his account of one of his journeys in 1889, in which he visits England, Scotland, France, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Greece, Egypt and Ceylon. He gives his impression, his encounters, the scenery of the places he visited, the travel, the people and the food.  (494 pages)

*  History of the Haby Family

AU9505:  $24.10

In the 1850s two Haby brothers (Johann Christian and Johann Carl) and their families came to South Australia from the Crossen area in Prussia. Starting with their German roots, the Haby name, this 666 page book, by M. Haby, details each pioneering brother together with their families and descendants through to 1992, the publication date. It includes extensive family trees, biographical details and hundreds of photographs.  The Wallschutzky, Steicke, Ostermann, and Hamlin families are all connected to this family.

This CD edition includes:  a facsimile of the original 1992 book, and a 167 page supplement with updated biographies, family trees and photos

*  Slee Family History c1490-1976

AU9506:  $16.00

Authored by M. Slee and first published to coincide with the Slee family reunion held in October 1976, this book has long been out of print. The history of early Slee families in England dates back to circa 1490, but the book primarily follows the descendants of Josiah Slee who arrived in South Australia in 1853, and Edward Taylor Slee, son of Josiah's older brother William Ballyman Slee, who emigrated to South Australia in 1876, both originating from Devon.  The book also contains the known history and lineage of several other Slee families from Devon who settled in Australia and New Zealand, and who may be related, but as at the time of writing the book, no connection had been found. (158 pages)



If any of you have genealogy related questions of a general nature - or something specifically related to Archive CD Books - we'd be glad to publish your question in this newsletter to tap into the enormous fund of knowledge which I know is out there.



If you live outside North America and tried to place an order through our on-line shopping cart you may have encountered a problem over the last while.  We are pleased to report that we believe we have - at long last - tracked the problem down and overcome it so you should be able to use the shopping cart without encountering error messages when you have done nothing wrong.

We ask your forgiveness if this has caused you any inconvenience.



Since I last reported our Facebook activity we have posted:

9 "hints" and "Comments" and given notice of 

2 special access, or free, offers.  

Plus, of course, giving you immediate news of our activities and new releases.

Our Facebook postings are specifically tailored to the interests of Canadian genealogists.

Consider becoming a fan (or now a "liker") so that not only will you get all the "hot" news, but you can join in the ongoing discussions or even pass on some tips and hints of your own.

If you have an item which you would like us to post on Facebook (and you don't wish to do it yourself) or have posted in this newsletter then send it to me at: and we'll see what we can do.  (Please indicate if you would prefer we post it on Facebook as we may leave it to be posted in the newsletter otherwise.)

If you are already a Facebook member then you can find the Archive CD Books Canada wall at:

If you have not yet joined Facebook you can use the same URL but you will need to "sign in" before you can read our wall.



S * P * A * M filters are becoming very aggressive and we are still getting newsletter subscriptions from addresses which subsequently reject our confirmation notices and postings. (We are getting up to 4 reject notices a month!)  If you hear of someone complaining that we ignored their newsletter subscription, or have stopped delivering, please tell them to check their rejected messages and to edit their personal filter to accept the domain or the address.  THANK YOU!



(We can include your Family History Societies announcements if you tell us what they are.  Please give us AT LEAST one month's notice.)


12 February, 2011, BIFHSGO Meeting.   At the Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa.  Lecture topic: "Down the Line: Tracing the Dawson's Canadian Adventure" presented by Phil Jenkins.

  For more information go to: OR

or call (613) 234-2520


12 March, 2011, BIFHSGO Meeting.    At the Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa.  Lecture topic:  

"Social Networking and Genealogy" presented by Marion Press.

For more information go to: OR

or call (613) 234-2520


2 April 2011, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  The Ontario Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists and the Canadiana Department, North York Central Library [Toronto Public Library] proudly present: “Advanced Genealogical Skills: A Seminar with Elizabeth Shown Mills.  Venue:  Auditorium, 2nd Floor, North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge St., Toronto. Cost: $45 public admission, $20 OCAPG members.

Registration and more information:


1 & 2 April, 2011.  The Ottawa Branch of the OGS is holding its annual GENE-O-RAMA

event at the Library & Archives  of Canada, 395 Wellington St. Ottawa.

More information will be posted on the branch's web site as it becomes available:

We have booked and had confirmed our location in the marketplace.


9 April, 2011, BIFHSGO Meeting.    At the Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa.  Lecture topic: Irish Ancestors: Not Just Names and Dates by Sharon Callaghan.

For more information go to: OR

or call (613) 234-2520


13 - 15 May, 2011.  The Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS) presents its annual conference in Hamilton, Ontario.  Subject: Remembering our Past ... Projecting our Future.  This event marks the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the OGS.

We are already making plans to attend as a vendor in the marketplace.


14 May, 2011, BIFHSGO Meeting.    At the Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa.  Lecture topic: Unraveling the Anglicization of an Irish Family by Irene Ip .

For more information go to: OR

or call (613) 234-2520


3 - 5th June,  2011.  The Quebec Family History Society is presenting its "International Conference on Family History"  to be held in the Samual Bronfman Building on the McGill University campus.  (All lectures in English.)  Open to the public.  See more information on topics, speakers, registrations etc. on the web site:

We are already making plans to attend as a vendor in the marketplace.


11 June, 2011, BIFHSGO Meeting: "Great Moments in Genealogy" presented by five BIFHSGO Members .    At the Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa.  Lecture topics: 

- The Letters of Nicholas Watson 1820-26 by Brian Watson

- My Elusive Irish Ancestors by Karin Keyes Endemann 

- From Coolross to Canada and Back by Ann Burns 

- Uncle Oscar's Poisonous Paramour by Susan Davis

- Andrew Barclay: There is One in Every Family - A Wanderer by Elizabeth and Mario Lapointe

For more information go to: OR

or call (613) 234-2520


29 October, 2011.  We have received notice that the Kitchener Public Library is organizing a Genealogy Fair at Kitchener City Hall, Rotunda, which will feature exhibitors as well as free workshops.  Questions: please contaact:

Karen Ball-Pyatt <> or Sheila Bauman <>

We are tentatively planning to attend this fair.





Archives of this newsletter showing all the previous release announcements are available in the newsletter archive which can be reached through,

All our newly released books are listed on our web site in the "New Releases and Special Offers" page. Go to:

for an instant update on our new products or look through the "New Releases" category in the on-line catalogue.

Archive CD Books Canada Inc.

Attn.: Malcolm Moody - President

P.O. Box 11,

Manotick, Ontario, K4M 1A2, Canada.

(613) 692-2667


Canadian web site: