

Training August 2nd!

Date sent: Sun, 1 Feb 1998 20:36:43 -0500 (EST)



Subject: Re: (Fwd) Re: Re: NICErsCO-OP: NICErs CO-OP: Running NICErs w/AOL

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There is a NICEr CLASSIC on how to do this but rather than me pulling

it out, I know that there are other NICErs out there that can supply

the keyword for access the AOL instructions on how to do this.


You save $10/month by "bring your own access."



OK, quick tip here..............


Simply go to Keyword: Billing

Then click on "Change Billing Plan" and pick "BYOA" (Bring Your Own Access)

The payment change won't take affect ($9.95/month vs. $19.95/month) until

your next billing cycle, but you can access AOL through your ISP any time you

want. Just go to "SETUP" on the screen where you put in your password. Then

click on "Create New Location" and where it says "Network" (or something to

that effect......can't remember exactly), click on the list and pick "TCP/IP".

Then once you're done, pick that location you just made instead of the one

that dials your usual number. Then to get started, you just have to be

connected to your ISP through the dial-up networking, and when you go to sign

on to AOL, you'll be connected in about 2 seconds (usually).



Have fun!


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3) Deposit/cash YOUR checks! :)

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This FREE globalmobilebizAUTOMATED Training August 2nd! service is provided courtesy of gemSTARS-R-NICErs!

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