

Training May 23rd!

From: "John Lester aka the GEMSMAKER" <>


Date sent: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 17:59:44 +0000

Subject: NICErs: Re: Question about new resellers program

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Joel wrote:<g>


Hi John I think what Vance may have been asking... or at least my

question is... I am a new reseller and have just puchased NC and my web

page. Now after 2 weeks I am looking at another $70. I see the benefit of

being placed in the shuffle on the root page and would like to know how many

hits it is currently getting? Also how many resellers are there or how many

times can we expect our link to show on the root page for our extra

investment? Finally do you have plans for added features in a specific time

period that would require the price to go higher than $99.95? Just a few

questions that were not specifically answered in the announcement and info

needed to make this investment. I want to be a NICErs reseller, however this

is currently a side to my main MLM (the reason I bought NC).


Thank you

Joel Aumell


Joel, several things:


First off, NICErs made a decision a couple of months ago to no

longer be satisifed in being viewed as a secondary program for SOHO

people. More and more of our NICErs are viewing and doing NICErs as a

primary program or source of self-employment income on either a

fulltime or a parttime basis.


We KNOW, not think, that NICErs will be viewed by the majority of

NEW NICErs! as a PRIMARY program as we complete the HARDWARE side of

our company and completely automate our SYSTEMS. Again, that is why

Ron Richey was hired, to complete these two areas. We will then have

the only complete solution, Direct Email MALL, if you will, in the









and much, much more.


With RECURRING, CONSUMABLE services, such as smtp's, web pages,

autoresponders, etc, we will have essentially become a Referral

Marketing Plan (RMP) ISP that permits, specializes in and promotes

direct email done NICEly and related direct email products and



A completely unique creation in the world, therefore, and

completely worthy of primary program consideration (although we

are worthy of that already; most NICErs, during the course of

NICErs, have seen their programs come and go while NICErs just

keeps on percolating along, day after day, week after week, month

after month, quarter after quarter, year after year).<g>


A complete unique creation in the world, therefore, featuring


Virtual Products

Virtual Services

Virtual Staff

Virtual Support

Virtual Methods of Marketing


A COMPLETELY Virtual Operation for both the company, its resellers

and its customers. What is the value of VIRTUAL? More time and cost

efficient for EVERYONE, company, resellers and customers. Time

efficient and cost efficient is a BLESSING for everyone in every way



The ROOT PAGE has received nearly 2300 hits in just the past three

weeks WITHOUT any promotion from NICErs Corporate. This is just the

CURIOSITY OVERFLOW of individual NICErs's prospects hitting the

individual NICErs pages and wondering, HMMMMMM, wonder what's at the



Now, if you get a person to hit your page at


and your prospect decides to go to the ROOT PAGE at


because he understands how ROOT PAGES work, and s/he DOESN'T see your

name and your page listed there, they are going to think that you

AREN'T one of our leading resellers.


They are going to think that you AREN'T with the Program!<g> And who

wants to sell up with a sponsor that is NOT! with the Program! I

certainly wouldn't!


And they might very well sign up with one of the people listed at the

ROOT PAGE. How often does it happen? Probably only 10-20% of the

time, but it happens, and it happens every week. Ask the people that

used to be on the ROOT PAGE when ROOT PAGE membership relied strictly

upon production figures.


On the other hand, if you are ON the Root Page, you enjoy that

CURIOSITY OVERFLOW yourself. ADDITION to CURIOSITY overflow is the fact that Ron Richey,

NICErs WebMaster, BSEE and MBA creative techie extraordinaire, is

making a really kewl what I have dubbed "T-1 Unix Catapult" for

NICErs Corporate that I very well may be riding next week as the

first "customer" of the NICErs servers.


Now, I don't like to toot my own horn, but I built this NICErs

corporation out of my home and we are going to do nearly 1 million

dollars in sales this year and already are around the $600,000 mark

already for the year. We had one two week period this year when we

did $60,000 in sales and so you can see the POWER of the NICErs

SYSTEMS. And quite frankly, I have been DELIBERATELY doing things to

hold back our GROWTH so that we don't grow TOO FAST! while we get a


Again, that is one of the projects that Ron Richey is working on and

in the 18 days that he has been FULL-time with us, he has already

added to what I call our "Brain Stem" and is building a complete

DIGITAL BRAIN for us from the GROUND UP!<g>


I did that (build a million dollar corporation out of my home) with a

database never bigger than 5000 names 


I have taught more people how to successfully and profitably 

email than any person currently living. That's just a simple fact.

Nobody specializes in direct email education outside

of NICErs. Certainly not in the way and to the extent that we do.


I can't even FATHOM, and I am a person with a VIVID imagination and a

STRONG BELIEF SYSTEM, how much business I can generate sending out

email using the upcoming new NICEr email servers and have y'all follow up

on the LEADS! and then set up the type of CLOSING SYSTEM that I have

set up to make it EASIER for y'all than ever before to get people on the 

Discussion List ($99.95) LINKED TO YOU! while they purchase MORE 

products and services from Email Mall as we continue to roll them out, one at a time, one by

one....<g> with you earning commissions with every purchase!


Now, YOUR RANDOMIZING self-replicating-web page ALWAYS APPEARS on the

ROOT PAGE! It just may be at the TOP one shuffle, the MIDDLE another

shuffle, the BOTTOM another shuffle, etc. But it is




Therefore, when the PROSPECTS that HIT YOUR PAGE from YOUR OWN

PROMOTIONS! the 10-20% that stray over to the ROOT PAGE GO THERE, it

is to YOUR ADVANTAGE for YOU! to be there, because they'll say,

HMMMM, this guy/gal's page is listed as one of the leading resellers,

they must be as good a sponsor to go with as ANYBODY!


It's a REASSURANCE FACTOR for the prospect! Cuts down on WINDOW

SHOPPING and gets people to focus on just signing up with YOU!


Now, I dunno anything else right now specifically that we ARE

planning or COULD add to the RANDOMIZING ROOT PAGE links to your web

pages with everyone else that have either purchased NEWLY the $99.95

program or optionally upgraded to the $70 program if they already

paid $29.95. I do know this...



IDEA, NOT MINE!<g> But one that I fully support because it was, is

and will continue to be an EXCELLENT IDEA!<g>


If there ARE any further ENHANCEMENTS, you will just have to blame it

on Ron Richey's creativity and incredible intelligence working on

YOUR BEHALF to find ways to make y'all more money and make NICErs an

even BETTER SYSTEM! His compensation is DIRECTLY, 100% linked into

making YOUR INCOMES grow and there is nothing that brings a smile to

his face any quicker than to see you guys getting




Good questions, Joel, hope I answered all of at least most of them...












John Lester, Creator of the gemSTARS-R-NICErs SYSTEMS!

"One's success in LIFE, much less any SINGLE endeavour, is DIRECTLY

PROPORTIONAL to the amount of FRUSTRATION that one has successfully

encountered, successfully endured and successfully overcome! This is

why all entrepreneurial success DEPENDS on a SUFFICIENT number of

'failures.'" Original Quote from John Lester, November, 1996



ASK your NICEr reseller about ECD/AID, WC, NC & the NICErs Reseller's

bizopp &, the generic MAM business building support system, 

all available thru our self-replicating-web-page SYSTEMS!


PS Follow your simple, duplicable 3-step gmbA MAP


1) Click



2) Join a gmbA-supported (CCC and/or MFL and/or PPP) program (with pre-prepared John Lester-written sales letters waiting to be imported into your MyForbiddenLeads-filled MFL text/video email autoresponder account) at


and do not join another until you get the first program into profit (unless your budget permits you to move faster).

3) Deposit/cash YOUR checks! :)

Follow your "dummy" Truck Driver to your globalmobilebizAUTOMATED multi-affiliate marketing success by clicking

Get your gmbA background by clicking


This FREE globalmobilebizAUTOMATED Training May 23rd! service is provided courtesy of gemSTARS-R-NICErs!

Copyright 1995-2007 NICErsPROMOTIONS, Inc.