

Training November 24th

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From: "Joanne Robbins" <>

To: <>

Date sent: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 03:56:46 -0400

Subject: [marketersandleadersbrainstorming] Re: "They don't have what it takes"

Just my opinion, but I believe that a great many "Internet marketers" do

indeed join programs with very little true expectation of making money.

They may have an idea that if they just "get on board", somehow the

Internet might make them rich....eventually.....without them having to

turn a hand, but they don't TRULY believe in their heart of hearts. So

they dabble around, play at making web pages, pretend to be serious, but

many are not. It's like a hobby to so many who say they want to make

money, but they just don't "get it". (Yep...the "herd mentality"!)

Why? Because their belief level has never reached the point where

they can really put their heart and soul into their online business.

If a person gets serious about marketing online, then they have to

also get serious about the bottom line which is giving their customer what

they came to their web site to buy and give them TRUE value for their

dollar. And then, backing up that purchase with service. And it's hard

work. Success exacts a price.

That "product" might be a book, a software program, advice, or an

online business. It doesn't matter. Personal attention and service

are what are important on the Internet.

Let me tell you a story. I purchased an audio book from Amazon.Com

for a friend in California for his birthday. I had Amazon mail it to him

to the address I had on file. It didn't show up for his birthday, to my

disappointment and surprise. Well, I had to ask him about his mailing

address and spoil the birthday surprise, and found out that his postal

address had changed. When I emailed Amazon.Com about the error, I

received an answer from them in TWO HOURS! A personal email saying they

would re-ship the product that same day at no cost to me. This is what

makes Amazon a superior and successful online business. Their incredible

service and personal attention! My friend received the package two days

later. I was totally impressed. Then I thought, WOW. With all the

gazillions of book orders they receive, they realize that personal

attention and service are what's important. And it drove home the fact

that we can do no less with our business. We must treat our customers

(i.e., downlines, etc.) as the "real people" that they are and give them

good service and personal attention. Otherwise, we have no right to their


It's hard work. Dedication and sacrifice are required in order to

deliver true value. We must be willing to deliver a value based

product PLUS the personal attention and service in order to be

successful Internet marketers. There is no free ride. And anybody

out there who is making money online knows it's true. But the

satisfaction of being part of this frontierland and knowing you're

part of history in the making is so exciting and it's worth every


Personally, I'd rather have one good manager than 100 of the "herd


Joanne Robbins





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