

Training November 24th

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From: "John Lester aka the GEMSMAKER!" <>


Date sent: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 02:04:15 -0400

Priority: normal

Subject: [marketersandleadersbrainstorming] Calling all OLDtimers and MIDDLEtimers!

A new MLBer I believe by the name of Bob wrote the following (and

is probably pleasantly surprised that I am posting it):<g>




Subject: Re: [marketersandleadersbrainstorming] Good ? from



Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 01:13:12 EDT




Just curious about your egroup and now I ambeing bombarded by

enails. Can't

have that!

First off let me share with you that the "Think & Grow Rich" book is


used in the EQUINOX INTERNATIONAL group, and he is under

FTC charges at this



What isthe meat of your business and why isn't it mentioned in the

email.Anyone can network on chat groups and egroups! So how

does a $150.00

check come out of this legally?


>>>First off, OLDtimers and MIDDLEtimers, those of NICErs yore,

please come to the aid of your fearless leader and loving, dedicated

sys op and post a few posts about what this Discussion List and

its PEOPLE have meant to you over the past few years or few

months, whatever your case may be, for the benefit of some of the

newbies that hae joined us now that we have become an open and

public list instead of being the private list we were for years before.

I'm looking for folks like Peggy Hendricks, Tim Johnson, Dick

Jacobs, Jeff Lehman, John McMenemy, Mary Ellen Smith, Dan

Fendl, Dave Fitch, Ralph Patzke, Roger Wincek, Ray Bartlett,

Pete McKeown, Joe Mastrioanni, JoAnne Robbins, Jon Vasey,

Laureen Jandroep, Mike Little, Keith Baker, Joyce Frehling, Jeff

Wells, Jacques DuFour, and I could name many, many others but

these are names that pop up into my mind just from recent email

correspondence from folks that I know are subscribed to the list.


Now, while I'm waiting for these OLDtimers and MIDDLEtimers to

encourage Bob a little and share with him what this list has meant

to their lives and businesses over the years, I'll quickly answer a

few of Bob's questions:


# 1 Regarding the onslaught of emails, your reaction is common

amongst AOLers because, quite frankly, their email system stinks!

Those of us that have been on the list a long time use more

advanced software packages like Eudora of Pegasus for email

maagement productivity that would MAKE YOUR EYES BUG OUT!

You can get these programs for free at and/or


However, the EASIEST solution for an overwhelemed MLBer is to

click on the link below directly above my sig line where it says it's

your responsibility to manage your subscription, Bob. You

subscribed yourself, and to get off, you have to unsubscribe

yourself. There;s way too many list members for me to subscribe

and unsubscribe people all day. That's why that two line message

is in every one of my posts. By going to the DIGEST, you will get 1

email per day with all the little emails NICEly wrapped up inside!

That's the perfect, happy solution for many AOLers. However, alot

of AOLers prefer the individual email method, even with AOL's

clunky email system. I admire them! :)


# 2 Even crooks read good books! :0


# 3 The meat of my business is representing ProSTEP. I just came

out of a six month retirement after serving as the President of one

of the most successful software companies to ever serve the

network marketing industry.We did approaching $ 2 million dollars

in sales in 3+ years *out of my home.*


I've come out of retirement to build a *residual* income in the 6 or 7

digit annual category. Nothing less would hold any interest or

motivation for me. 


# 4 Regarding the $150 check question, if you read that email

carefully, you would have noticed that the subject line said

CLASSIC and that the email reproduced inside was from mid-1996.

At that time, I was only about a half a year into the development of

our software company and I was one of the top reps for a network

marketing company that has provided leads and advertising to the

network marketing industry for 5 full years now called ProSTEP 


ProSTEP has about 2 to 3,000 ractive reps at this time as I

understand it. When they had about 1,000 to 2,000, I had 100+

approaching 200 reps, so a fairly significant chunk of the company.

It really wasn't very significant income, my largest monthly residual

check was a little over $2000. As my software company began to

totally consume my time (we had over 3,000 customers, 1,000+ of

whom were reps as well, the average rep just referred 2 or 3

customers although some, like Peggy Hendricks sold hundreds of

units) I had to give up ProSTEP and other network marketing

opportunities I was engaged in at the time. I simply couldn't serve

two masters, there weren't enough hours in the day. I had to decde

if I wanted to be a great software company president of a great

network marketer and at the time, the right choice for me was to be

a great software company President. And all of us did a *great* job,

as you can see from our testimonial pages in my sig line below

where we have 947 pages of testimonials collected over 3 years,

we had a blast, tons of fun, we learned alot together, and lots of us

made alot of money, in fact, many of our customers made MUCH

MORE money than I did using our software and our TEACHINGS,

usually in the network mraketing field since about 80% of our

customers were network marketers!


Now, Bob, I'm actively working ProSTEP again, as I explained. It just so

happened that when I was going thru my CLASSICs file of the

5,000+ best of the 50,000 or so notes that have gone over our lists

since March 18, 1996, that note from mid-1996 had some

ProSTEP stuff in there as we were explaining the classic

PIPELINE marketing principle. And so i explained why that was in

there and gave ProSTEP a




just so I could help y'all out in case ProSTEP could help you build

your businesses like it really helped me out back in 1995/1996.


Kevin Lehman, the President of the company, is a good guy

although he is a hardheaded Marine and he and I both like to hog

the ProSTEP teleconferences when I used to do them every week

for 2-3 years!


It would delight me if ProSTEP could help y'all out, it just blesses my socks off

to help people...I always teach that I refuse to let anyone outgive

me! So your skepticism and cynicism is appreciated and noted in this

current state of the world, Bob. But sometimes you just get lucky

and happen to run into a great group of people like the folks on the

MLB list.


Now, if you need to get on the DIGEST, AOLers, click on the link

below that talking about managing your MLB subscription. We

actually have 4 different list receiving options for your reading

pleasure and conveniience!


OLDtimers and MIDDLEtimers, lend a helping hand, if you would!

Help this ol' gemsMAKER, y'all never let me down! And you don't

have to be named in the above list to post, heck, if my name wasn't

listed, I'd post just to make sure folks new I was still kicking! :)











Just curious about your egroup and now I ambeing bombarded by

enails. Can't

have that!

First off let me share with you that the "Think & Grow Rich" book is


used in the EQUINOX INTERNATIONAL group, and he is under

FTC charges at this



What isthe meat of your business and why isn't it mentioned in the

email.Anyone can network on chat groups and egroups! So how

does a $150.00

check come out of this legally?

You must manage your own free M&L subscription at:



Read testimonials/join 4free at

Read testimonials/join 4free at

Educating thousands in success/sales/marketing worldwide since 1992!


"One's success in LIFE, much less any SINGLE endeavour, is DIRECTLY

PROPORTIONAL to the amount of FRUSTRATION that one has successfully

encountered, successfully endured and successfully overcome! This

is why all original entrepreneurial success DEPENDS on a SUFFICIENT

number of 'failures.'" Original Quote from John Lester, Nov 1996




Post freely 4 review occurs be4 distribution. Short ads in sig lines ok.





PS Follow your simple, duplicable 3-step gmbA MAP


1) Click



2) Join a gmbA-supported (CCC and/or MFL and/or PPP) program (with pre-prepared John Lester-written sales letters waiting to be imported into your MyForbiddenLeads-filled MFL text/video email autoresponder account) at


and do not join another until you get the first program into profit (unless your budget permits you to move faster).

3) Deposit/cash YOUR checks! :)

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