

Training October 12th!

From: "John Lester aka the GEMSMAKER!" <>


Date sent: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 00:10:09 -0400

Subject: NICErsCO-OP: CLASSIC: Thought of the day...<g>

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LAST CLASSIC of the day...<g>


HARDSHIPS PRODUCE nature's best animals and men. In wild

nature, there is no such thing as security. When wild creatures are

given artificial security, they deteriorate. All incentive for them to

achieve physical perrfection and mental alertness is destroyed. In

their native state, they are compelled to use all the senses God

gave them.


And so with people. Most who have risen to eminence had to

overcome perils and obstacles. But for insecurities, they would

have remained mediocre. All grants and rewards for services not

rendered have a demoralizing effect on character. We find the

heroes and heroines on the perilous frontier.







John Lester, Creator of the gemSTARS-R-NICErs-r-NICErsPROs SYSTEMS!

"One's success in LIFE, much less any SINGLE endeavour, is DIRECTLY

PROPORTIONAL to the amount of FRUSTRATION that one has successfully

encountered, successfully endured and successfully overcome! This is

why all entrepreneurial success DEPENDS on a SUFFICIENT number of

'failures.'" Original Quote from John Lester, November, 1996


ASK your NICEr reseller about the NICErs Reseller's bizopp &,

the generic MAM business building support system, all available thru our

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1) Click



2) Join a gmbA-supported (CCC and/or MFL and/or PPP) program (with pre-prepared John Lester-written sales letters waiting to be imported into your MyForbiddenLeads-filled MFL text/video email autoresponder account) at


and do not join another until you get the first program into profit (unless your budget permits you to move faster).

3) Deposit/cash YOUR checks! :)

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This FREE globalmobilebizAUTOMATED Training October 12th! service is provided courtesy of gemSTARS-R-NICErs!

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